Bunkface - Prom Queen - Hallo Friends Of Music Everywhere, This time I will share about the article Bunkface - Prom Queen.

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Bunkface - Prom Queen

Shes the prom queen
top 5 in magazines
where i go forever


dressed up in your best
your ready
to hit the dance floor

flash down the spotlight
right on you
everyone knows you
this time

and so i....
cant go on

and i....
want you to know that

your cool your hot
you make me go
oh oh oh...


Shes the prom queen
top 5 in magazines
where i go forever
shes no girl for me

step back in the moonlight
let me sing
i..ll be king
oh, in this broken dream

scream out the words of the fame
coz im in too much pleasure

and so i...
cant go on

and i....
want you to know that

your cool your hot
you make me go
oh oh oh..

c/o n c/o

Tanks For Reading Article Bunkface - Prom Queen

Disclaimer : The lyrics Bunkface - Prom Queen were taken from sources found on google search engine with keywords "Bunkface - Prom Queen" With permalink http://originallyvielicious.blogspot.com/2009/12/bunkface-prom-queen.html

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