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For Starters Lyrics

Well we did this once before, and we're giving it some more
And it's OK to be as you are you know
It's always five on one and you notice when we're done
That nobody got hurt, you're the same as what you were you know

I've got something for starters, throw it up in the air
And I bet you don't care, we're getting louder

It sounds ok to me on the desk at ICP
Roll the tape 'cos we're rocking album two
And our manager don't mind, 'cos we put all that behind
We've got another bite and you know the time is right to rock for you

I've got something for starters, throw it up in the air
And I bet you don't care, we're getting louder

Hey, it's another day in "A"
I'm proud to be myself 'cause rock me this way
I've got plenty more to say, so let me clear my throat

Cause I'm not cool Britannia
Not getting any younger, they hate me in NME
I don't care where you've been
I don't care for your scene, you make me feel like an amputee

I've got something for starters, throw it up in the air
And I bet you don't care, we're getting loud

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Disclaimer : The lyrics For Starters Lyrics were taken from sources found on google search engine with keywords "For Starters Lyrics" With permalink

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